Tools to help with Resolutions

by Andrea

Happy New Year!

This year I’m keeping my resolutions simple:

Write more – Eat less!

And I’ve got two tools to help me succeed because isn’t it always more fun when we have a new toy…err tool to work with.

For my writing resolution, I’ve recently purchased Scrivener for my Mac. It is a project management tool for writers. It does so much more than a word processing program. I can keep all my chapters, scenes, character profile sheets, setting profiles, inspirational pictures, research files, etc. altogether in a single project file.

It has a really flexible window arrangement so I can customize what information I want on screen while I write. If I don’t want any distractions, I can enter the Compose mode where I have my page and a serene background of my choice. I’ve uploaded my favorite picture of the Grand Haven lighthouse for my background. Lovely!

One of my favorite features of the program is that it remembers where I left off during my last writing session. So when I open my project, the blinking cursor is exactly where I left off – no more scrolling through hundreds of pages to find my spot.

For my resolution to eat less, I’ve returned to an app I found last year. It’s called My Fitness Pal. It can be used online or on a smartphone, iPod, iPad, etc. It’s a great way to track the food I’ve eaten because it counts calories for me. It suggests how many calories I should eat a day based on my goals, and I can customize the number if I want. It tracks exercise too and let’s me know how many extra calories I’ve earned. 😀

But it’s more than just a calorie tool. It also has a Community tool to allow you to reach out to other people striving to eat less and reach a healthy weight. Currently, my mom and I are “friends”, and we can see if the other hasn’t logged in for a few days and send a message of support or congratulations for pounds lost.

So what are your resolutions this year? And what tools are you using to help yourself achieve them?

This entry was posted in Andrea.

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