Eleanore Gray Winner!

We have a winner! My random number generator (aka The Kid) dug deep into his mind and came up with the number 4–“But not the four with the triangle on top. I like the four with the square on top. That’s my favorite number.” Out of the mouths of weirdos, no?

So, congratulations to commenter number 4, Barbara Weitz, winner of a complimentary copy of Eleanore Gray! Barbara wrote:
My grandmothers conjure up so many wonderful memories. I can only hope I will leave the same for mine. Sunday my grandchildren ran through the yard, under the pine trees over the wonderful scent of fallen pine needles, around the purple and yellow iris bed, then shimmied up a smooth barked pine tree. “Hi, grandma,” they chimed. I wondered if that moment would form a fond memory for them. Barbara, send me your address and I’ll get the book out to you toot suite!

And thank you so much to all of you who shared such sweet, touching memories of your grandmothers. It was a real treat. (You knew this was going to happen:) I hope everyone else who left a comment will go find Eleanore Gray here at Amazon and here at CreateSpace. Thanks!

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