Romance Novel News!

Exciting times here at the Authorial Mom blog!

No, not so exciting that six-figure contracts are being slipped under my front door by editors so enthralled by the thoughts of hunky shirtless cowboys and Indians on horseback that they are battling it out on the lawn. That wouldn’t be merely exciting. That would be so far beyond exciting as to be a coronary event waiting to happen.

Still, I’m excited! I’ve officially joined Romance Novel News as a reviewer!

What is Romance Novel News? From their website:

Romance Novel News is an independently-owned online site dedicated to contemporary, historical, erotic and paranormal romances.  RNN will provide trade news, features, debut author spotlights, Q&As, reviews and reader polls.
Mainstream media does not review mass market or trade paperback romance novels – even when they make the best sellers list. Most publishers rely on blogs to promote their titles.
While romance blogs ultimately promote the genre, the experience-level and posting frequency run the gamut.  RNN will provide consistent and fair reviews to inform readers of the latest romance releases. All reviews submitted are professionally edited and checked for accuracy prior to posting.
RNN aims to bridge the divide between romance fiction and mainstream media by treating the genre with the same respect as other works of fiction. 
RNN is not affiliated with any trade organization or publisher of romance fiction. 
All books reviewed have been provided by the publisher.

Note that last line–All books have been provided? That line is just about the best part of the whole thing. That line means that free books now show up in my mailbox for me to read. The first two, Awakened by a Kiss by Lila DePasqua, and Infamous by Suzanne Brockmann, arrived today. That’s more than a good-enough reason for me to be excited!
My goal is to do one or two reviews a month. I’ve requested first crack at the westerns and after that, whatever catches my eye. All my reviews will be on the RNN website, and I’ll be sure to link to it here, so you’ll never have to worry about missing all my brilliant insights.
So stay tuned for more from Sarah M. Anderson, professional reviewer!


  1. Kaki says:

    Way to go, Sarah! Congratulations! As good a writer as you are, I know you'll do an excellent job. I'm looking forward to reading insightful reveiws…maybe with a touch of your humor???

  2. Debra St. John says:

    Wha—oh, sorry, I was so distracted by the thought of those hunky, shirtless cowboys I momentarily lost my train of thought!

    Congrats on your new gig…I'm going to check out their site right now.

  3. Sarah M. Anderson says:

    Aw, thanks, Kaki! Humor is my life, so we'll see how it fits into a 350-word review.

    Debra, sorry to have distracted you so–naw, not really!

    Lucy, free books are AWESOME! I think I love the uncorrected proofs best–I feel very privileged to have something very few other people have read.

  4. Marilyn Brant says:

    Congratulations, Sarah!! I'm looking forward to checking out some of your upcoming reviews! And what great novels you have to start out with — Lila's AND Suzanne's!!! I have both of those books on my TBR list ;).

  5. Vickie McDonough says:

    Congratulations, Sarah. I've been a reviewer for different sights for nine years, and you should see all the books I have filling a closet.

    One thing I'd like to encourage you about, is to not give away anything pivotal. I've had reviewers do that when reviewing my books and it's very frustrating. A writer works hard to string the reader along and keep up the tension without revealing too much too soon. Anyway, I'm rambling. Have fun reading all those free books and reviewing.

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